HTML/CSS Projects
Project Name Project Description Project Link
My Store Create a simple online store with HTML/CSS and Javascript Click Here
BMI Calculator Given the weight and height, this program calculates your BMI and automatically places you in a category. Click Here
Flexbox Recipes Page Position a already created recipes page with HTML flexboxes instead of floats Click Here
Javascript Projects
Project Name Project Description Project Link
Shipping Cost Calculator Enter in a weight and when the submit button is pressed, the program will automatically apply prices and calculate the total cost. Click Here
Order Calculator with discount Enter in a product price and quantity and it will automatically try to find a discount from the defined chart, and if a discount is found, it will apply it. Click Here
Quote Picker Select a category of quotes and a number of quotes, then the program will go fetch the quotes for you. Program will tell you if the quotes are not found or not. Click Here